The original GTA San Andreas has a streaming memory limit of 50 MB (52428800 B). The CLEO version of the Stream Memory Fix can increase the limit of usage streaming memory by game, up to maximum value 2048 MB. However, Sanny Builder can compile numbers between [-2^31] and [2^31-1] (limit for signed 32-bit int) as an integer. The value 2048 MB (2147483648 B) is out of this range and for this reason Sanny Builder will compile the Float number (2.147484E09 = 2.147484 * 10^9) instead of the expected Integer, without any warning about such a conversion. For this reason, after compilation, we get the increased limit of usage streaming memory by game to 1264 MB (1325400064 B). To avoid this bug, just subtract 1 byte from 2147483648 bytes and then we will get the value 2147483647 bytes that is within the required range [2^31-1]. In fact, this script increases the limit of usage streaming memory by game to 2047,99 MB. And this is the maximum value that you can get by the CLEO's script.

{$CLEO .cs}
0A8C: write_memory 0x8A5A80 size 4 value 2147483647 virtual_protect 1
0A93: end_custom_thread

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